The Story So Far
Since the official launch of The Welcome Dinner Project in March 2013, we have trained over 400 facilitators, run 500 Welcome Dinners in people’s homes and trusted community spaces around Australia, reaching 10,000+ people. We also have been supporting organisations in Rome and London to run Welcome Dinners.
Check out our blog for some stories from these dinners! We have also organised dozens of larger Community Welcome Dinners, usually in partnership with a local organisation or council.
In order to keep up with the rapidly increasing demand for Welcome Dinners, we need to grow. We know that if we are truly going to make a broad impact, we need to transition from a Welcome Dinner every few weeks to one every day – right across the nation.
But to do that we can’t rely just on volunteers. We need to raise funds and employ staff dedicated to the planning of hundreds of Welcome Dinners. It is a huge job but we know how to do it well and we have all the tools in place to make this a reality!
If you would like to donate please click here. If your organisation would like to partner with us, take a look at what we offer here.
We are all aware of the many challenges in our society for newly arrived people and the popularity of this project tells us there is endless goodwill out there to create a different kind of story – one that represents the true “fair go” Australia!
“It was like my own father greeting me at the door. I miss my family but here I feel like I’m with my family.”
– Mia (newly arrived, International Student)